
Zwcad plus 2015
Zwcad plus 2015

zwcad plus 2015 zwcad plus 2015

The new Flip Dimension Arrow function unveiled in ZWCAD+ 2015 SP2.1 is intended for large projects that require many annotations. Miscellaneous features include automatic BOM (bill of materials) generation wizards for minimal-click creation of section lines, direction symbols and detail views and the ability to generate shafts and gears directly from geometric parameters. ZWCAD+ 2015 features DWG compatibility, vocal annotations, the ability to customize commands to different mouse operations and a SmartSelect capability that enables designers to find similar entities with property selections. ZWCAD+ 2015, the company reports, offers a streamlined code base and efficient hardware footprint that can open and save file sizes of 100MB or more in seconds. ZWCAD+ 2015 for mechanical design engineers, introduced earlier this year, offers libraries of standard-based parts and mechanical tools for design and drafting, an image processing engine that lets you insert and manipulate large images quickly and design management capabilities such as document tabs and file compare. In related news, ZWCADUSA also announced a flexible payment program called “Freedom of Choice.” Among these are Flip Dimension Arrow, 3GB OS Switch, support for BMP/JPEG plotters and a more efficient Reference and License Manager. The SP2.1 release has new features intended to enhance design efficiency, according to the company. Ltd., recently announced the SP2.1 release of ZWCAD+ 2015. ZWCADUSA, the North American distributor of the ZWCAD line of MCAD and AEC (architecture, construction and engineering) solutions from ZWCAD Design Co. Image courtesy of ZWCADUSA and ZWCAD Design Co. The License Manager in ZWCAD+ 2015 SP2.1 will now automatically try to obtain your floating license from an alternative server when the preferred server is down.

Zwcad plus 2015