A visual really is worth a thousand words. It makes creating high-quality images and videos a breeze. The best screen capture and recording software on Windows and Mac. It is not a PortableApp program, at least not yet, but all his programs can be run portably (off a USB stick for example) as they have no registry files or other tie-ins that require them to be "installed". Snagit 10 Free Download Full Version With Key Snagit Description for Windows 10Snagit is a Screen Capture and Screen Recorder Software from TechSmith Corporation. I have found only one feature that is in SnagIt (version 8.1 and above) that is not in the current version of ScreenShot Captor, but Mouser already has that on the books for the next version he is working on now (or at least will be soon - I am not sure where he stands on the release of his current project).Īnyway, check it out and see if that helps. Obviously, that is not their hope, but hey, it is still truly free at that point. After the next six months, if you still do not wish to donate, you can request a third key that will be non-expiring. After six months it expires and you can go to the site again to get a new key. If you don't want to donate first, you can download the software free to try for six months (or something like that). The concept of the site is to have people donate to the site into an account in their name, then they get a key to register all software they provide and ask that you provide donations from your account to the people on the site that help you, either through the software they created, the help they provide on the forums, or whatever. My suggestion is ScreenShot Captor from Mouser over at It is not "Open Source", but it is freely available donationware.